Kurikulum az: Təhsil nazirliyinin şəxsi kabinet portalına daxil olun
Kurikulum az: What is it and why is it important?
Kurikulum az is a term that refers to the modern curriculum model that is being implemented in Azerbaijan since 2016. It is based on the principles of student-centered, competency-based, and outcome-oriented education. It aims to provide students with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that they need to succeed in the 21st century. But what exactly is kurikulum az and why is it important for the development of education in Azerbaijan? In this article, we will explore the meaning, structure, content, benefits, and challenges of kurikulum az.
kurikulum az
Kurikulum az is derived from the word "curriculum", which means "a course of study". However, kurikulum az is more than just a list of subjects and topics that students have to learn. It is a comprehensive framework that defines the purpose, content, process, assessment, and evaluation of education in Azerbaijan. It covers all levels of education from preschool to higher education. It also reflects the national identity, culture, values, and aspirations of Azerbaijan.
The main goals of kurikulum az are to:
Ensure that students acquire the essential knowledge and skills that are relevant to their personal, social, and professional development
Develop students' key competencies such as critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, digital literacy, civic literacy, etc.
Foster students' lifelong learning habits and attitudes such as curiosity, initiative, responsibility, self-regulation, etc.
Prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the globalized world
The main principles of kurikulum az are:
Student-centeredness: Kurikulum az puts the needs, interests, abilities, and preferences of students at the center of education. It allows students to have more choice, voice, and agency in their learning. It also encourages students to learn by doing, discovering, solving problems, and creating products.
Competency-basedness: Kurikulum az focuses on developing students' competencies rather than memorizing facts. Competencies are complex combinations of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that enable students to perform tasks effectively in various contexts. Kurikulum az defines eight key competencies that students should master by the end of their education.
Outcome-orientedness: Kurikulum az defines clear and measurable learning outcomes for each subject and course. Learning outcomes are statements that describe what students should know, be able to do, and value as a result of their learning. Learning outcomes guide the teaching, learning, and assessment processes in kurikulum az.
Kurikulum az is different from traditional curriculum in several ways. For example:
Kurikulum az is more flexible and adaptable to the changing needs and demands of society and economy
Kurikulum az is more integrated and interdisciplinary across subjects and courses
Kurikulum az is more interactive and collaborative among students and teachers
Kurikulum az is more diverse and inclusive of different learners' backgrounds, abilities, styles, and preferences The structure and content of kurikulum az
Kurikulum az is organized into four sub-levels of general education: preschool, primary, basic, and secondary. Each sub-level has its own specific objectives, content standards, and learning outcomes. The table below shows the duration, age range, and main subjects of each sub-level.
kurikulum azərbaycan dili
kurikulum azərbaycan ədəbiyyatı
kurikulum azərbaycan tarixi
kurikulum azərbaycan coğrafiyası
kurikulum azərbaycan mədəniyyəti
kurikulum az portalı
kurikulum az şəxsi kabinet
kurikulum az arti edu
kurikulum az riyaziyyat
kurikulum az fizika
kurikulum az kimya
kurikulum az biologiya
kurikulum az ingilis dili
kurikulum az rus dili
kurikulum az alman dili
kurikulum az fransız dili
kurikulum az türk dili
kurikulum az fəlsəfə
kurikulum az psixologiya
kurikulum az sosial elmlər
kurikulum az hüquqşünaslıq
kurikulum az iqtisadiyyat
kurikulum az informatika
kurikulum az texnologiya
kurikulum az musiqi
kurikulum az rəsm və naxış
kurikulum az bədən tərbiyəsi
kurikulum az sivil müdafiə
kurikulum az tibb və sağlamlıq
kurikulum az ekologiya və təbii sərvətlər
kurikulum az mühazirələr və prezentasiyalar
kurikulum az testlər və suallar
kurikulum az imtahanlar və qiymətləndirmələr
kurikulum az metodika və pedaqoji texnologiyalar
kurikulum az təhsil standartları və proqramları
kurikulum az tibbi profilaktika və hüquqi mühafizə
kurikulum az türk dünyası və beynəlxalq ictimaiyyat
kurikulum az qlobal problemlər və inkişaf perspektivləri
kurikulum az innovasiya və yaradıcılıq
kurikulum az liderlik və menecment
kurikulum az kommunikasiya və ictimai fayda
kurikulum az etika və dini mühit
kurikulum az girişimçilik və karyera planlaşdırma
kurikulum az media və informasiya savadı
kurikulum az dil öyrənmə strategiyaları
kurikulum az mükafatlandırma və motivasiya
kurikulum az öyrənmə üsulları və stililri
kurikulum az öyrücülük və mentorluq
kurikulum az öyrütmek üçün dizayn
Age range
Main subjects
1-2 years
3-5 years
Language and communication, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, arts, physical education
4 years
6-9 years
Azerbaijani language and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, foreign language, arts, physical education, ethics and religion
5 years
10-14 years
Azerbaijani language and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, foreign language, arts, physical education, ethics and religion, information and communication technologies, elective courses
2 years
15-16 years
Azerbaijani language and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, foreign language, arts, physical education, ethics and religion, information and communication technologies, elective courses
Kurikulum az defines eight key competencies that students should develop throughout their general education. These competencies are:
Linguistic competence: The ability to communicate effectively in oral and written forms in Azerbaijani and foreign languages.
Mathematical competence: The ability to use mathematical concepts, procedures, and reasoning to solve problems in various contexts.
Natural-scientific competence: The ability to understand and apply scientific concepts, methods, and processes to explain natural phenomena and human interactions with the environment.
Social-scientific competence: The ability to understand and analyze social, historical, cultural, political, economic, and geographic aspects of human societies and their diversity.
Digital competence: The ability to use information and communication technologies to access, create, process, store, share, and evaluate information.
Civic competence: The ability to participate actively and responsibly in democratic processes and civic life at local, national, and global levels.
Cultural competence: The ability to appreciate and respect one's own and others' cultural identities, values, beliefs, traditions, and expressions.
Personal competence: The ability to manage one's own learning, emotions, health, well-being, relationships, and career development.
Kurikulum az also specifies the content standards and learning outcomes for each subject and course. Content standards describe the essential knowledge and skills that students should acquire in each subject area. Learning outcomes describe the expected achievements of students at the end of each sub-level of general education. For example:
The content standard for Azerbaijani language and literature in primary education is: "Students will develop their linguistic competence in Azerbaijani language by listening, speaking, reading, and writing in various situations and contexts. They will also develop their literary competence by exploring and appreciating different genres and forms of Azerbaijani literature."
The learning outcome for Azerbaijani language and literature in primary education is: "By the end of primary education, students will be able to communicate effectively in oral and written forms in Azerbaijani language using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and style. They will also be able to analyze and interpret different texts and works of Azerbaijani literature using basic literary concepts and techniques."
The benefits and challenges of kurikulum az
Kurikulum az has many benefits for the improvement of the quality and relevance of education in Azerbaijan. Some of these benefits are:
Kurikulum az helps students to develop the competencies and skills that are in high demand in the modern world, such as critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, digital literacy, civic literacy, etc.
Kurikulum az enables students to learn in a more meaningful and engaging way, by connecting their learning to real-life situations, problems, and contexts.
Kurikulum az empowers students to take more responsibility and ownership of their learning, by giving them more cho